Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Week 99

My house!

This week was crazy busy with reunions, long bike rides to the food, and teaching tons of new people, as well as teaching old investigators. First of all, on Wednesday we had Mission Leadership Council, which I figured the one in December was going to be my last and so did president Maucotel since he had me give my farewell testimony then. It was kind of last minute, but we learned a lot and are going to instruct the Zone one last time tomorrow. My favorite part I can remember was from one of the instructions by Elder Romero (assistant to President) is where he talked about diligence and mentioned how we've left so many things to be here on the mission including family, friends, school, work, entertainment and much more. Knowing that we've left so much to be here, he questioned "why can´t we leave it ALL on the mission field and use our time with diligence rather than just doing the minimum to get our certificate as return missionaries." He´s so right. I mean I can´t imagine how I would feel having wasted two years not giving it my all. I know I´m not perfect and have made many mistakes, but I truly feel I worked hard and that brings me an indescribable joy 😊! We are going to try to portray that lesson with our zone tomorrow in hopes to motivate them to be even more diligent and even more obedient. I mean they have already left so much, why not leave it ALL?

I am super excited for one of our investigators named Jose Luis, whom I mentioned we contacted like 2 or 3 weeks ago and had went to the Christmas party and a YSA dance. We had been struggling to find him, but we finally did and gave a good lesson on the importance of church attendance. Then the day before Sunday we had another young man accompany us and commit to take him, turns out they already knew each other from the YSA dance he went to! Small world! Anyway, they made it to church yesterday and so Jose Luis is now progressing towards his baptism goal of the 17th of Februrary 😄!

I love Gordon B. Hinckley!!

I love that we are learning from the new Teaching of the Prophets: Gordon B. Hinckley this year! Also the January Liahona had an article about him I really liked. He was my childhood prophet and learning about him, now I realize how much he really did for the church and all mankind 😇. I expecially love how he helped bring the world from having around 47 temples to over 100 in his 13-year ministry! This week we learned about the importance of missionary work in chapter 2 and I love how when President Hinckley got back from his mission and gave a report from his mission presidency, he was called upon to help with the missionary publications and he accepted, even after having served a full mission and putting his education plans to the side. What an example of consecrated long-life missionary efforts he gave us!! Let us all learn from his teachings and become consecrated to the Lord´s work, whether serving a full-time mission or just being an example to others, sharing the gospel when the time presents. Love you all and hope you can share the gospel with a friend this week!

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